Welcome to the Treasurer's Office.
Our mission is to maintain accounting records and provide financial information for users such as the Board of Education, District Administrators, Taxpayers, and Outside Parties that fund our School District. We pay all vendors and all employees.
The business philosophy in the Treasurer’s Office is classic; we view those that use our financial information and District employees as our customers. We will always strive to serve our customers in ways that cause them to be happy with our services.
Our dedicated team includes Holly McFadden, Assistant Treasurer, Char Conte, Assistant to the Treasurer - Payroll, Allison Wulfhoop - Assistant to the Treasurer, Accounts Payable and Tim Wulfhoop, Data Management & Accountability Coordinator. It is an honor and a privilege for us to serve the Olmsted Falls City School District.
Brett Robson
Treasurer / CFO
Sealed bids are now being accepted at the Treasurer of Olmsted Falls City Schools at 26937 Bagley Road, Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138, until 1:00pm (Local Time) on January 31st, 2025, for the following project:
Olmsted Falls New BOE/Administrative Offices, 26937 Bagley Road, Olmsted Falls, OH 44138
The project consists of construction of a new Administrative Office to replace existing Board Office, and the demolition of existing Board Office upon completion. The estimated base bid cost of work for this project is $3,413,806.00.
Following are the project’s alternates:
Alternate No. 1: Generator: $20,500.00
Alternate No. 2: RTU Screen: $16,000.00
Alternate No. 3: Mechanical Shades in Board Room: $7,000.00
Acoustic Panels: $12,600.00
Bids are required to be hand delivered to the Treasurer’s Office by the date/time indicated above, in a sealed opaque envelope marked “Olmsted Falls City Schools New BOE/Administrative Offices Base Bid” along with the contractor’s name affixed. No e-mail, faxed or any other form of electronic delivery bid will be accepted. Bids brought to the Treasurer’s Office after 1:00PM on January 31st, 2025, will not be accepted. Last day for bidder’s asking questions is January 23rd, 2025 until 1:00PM.
Plans and specifications were prepared for this project by Architectural Vision Group (AVG), Ltd., 23850 Sperry Drive, Cleveland, Ohio, 44145.
The bidding documents, including drawings, specifications, project manual, bid form, forms of contract and bond, may be obtained at the nonrefundable cost of printing and handling directly from:
SE Blueprint, Inc.
2035 Hamilton Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone Number 216-241-2250
There will be a pre-bid meeting for all bidders at 1:00pm local time on January 17th, 2025 at the Olmsted Falls Board of Education Office at 26937 Bagley Road, Olmsted Falls, OH 44138. This meeting will be followed by a tour of the project site.
This legal notice is posted on the Olmsted Fall’s City School District internet web site at
Brett Robson, Treasurer
Back row: Kelly Mendeluk, Fiscal & HR Specialist; Charlene Conte, Payroll Coordinator Front row: Holly McFadden, Assistant Treasurer; Brett Robson, Treasurer/CFO; Allison Wulfhoop, Accounts Payable
- Current Five-Year Forecast
- OFCS Financial Audits
- Financial and Historical Data
- Auditor of State Award 2023
For maintaining the highest standards of financial accountability, transparency, and integrity. - OFCS Records Retention Policy
Updated & Approved March 1, 2018
Monthly Financial Summary Reports
- FY24
- Auditor of State Award 2023
District Publications
Our Financial Story- Fall 2024
Olmsted Falls City Schools- Financial Story
Board of Education
- BoardDocs
Meeting Schedules, Agendas and Policy Information