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**NEW** 2024-2025 Preschool / Kindergarten Registration (for NEXT School Year)

Welcome to Olmsted Falls Early Childhood Center!

We look forward to being a part of your student’s educational journey!

Please click on link below to register your new preschool or kindergarten student for the UPCOMING 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR:

2024-2025 Preschool / Kindergarten Online Registration


For Families Registering a New Preschool Student: 

PLEASE NOTE that Preschool Registration is for only for families of new preschool students who have been provided a confirmation letter and registration password for the 2024-2025 school year.  The Olmsted Falls Early Childhood Center (ECC) Preschool Program is not an open enrollment preschool. To learn more our our ECC Preschool Program, please click HERE

NOTE: The Olmsted Falls Early Childhood Center is accepting applications for preschool peer models ages 3-5 for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.  For additional information and to apply, please click HERE.


For Families Registering a New Kindergarten Student:

No registration password is required to register a incoming kindergarten student for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Once your child's online registration has been completed, please click HERE to schedule a Kindergarten Screening appointment for May 3rd or May 17th.

We want to gather as much information as possible to best prepare for your student’s kindergarten year! In addition to completing your student's online registration via the above link and scheduling your child's Kindergarten Screening appointment in May, please also complete the two documents below. 


  1. ECC Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire (Parent Survey) Please complete the survey online prior to your May Kindergarten Screening appointment.

  2. Preschool Information Form: Please print and have your child’s preschool teacher complete; then bring to Kindergarten Screening in May. If your child did not attend preschool, please skip this step. (There will also be copies available in the office.)


We look forward to welcoming your Itty Bitty Bulldog to the Early Childhood Center!